on easter.
thanks Jesus for everything.
for dying, rising and still living.
my belief is simple.
i do not seek answers to questions i do not ask.
i used to prize answers for many.
i no longer do.
my belief is simply. truth.
on the break.
hung the bike.
took the car.
concrete pavings to sandy patches.
bit of golf.
pinches of sand running and bashing.
pots of jacuzzi coulture.
pints of tennis.
bottles of wine.
reels of casting.
10 squids. 1 barbie. 80 golf balls. 1 sand mount. 80 backhands.120 forehands. 1001 bad strokes.
2 great breakfast. 1 awesome lunch. 1 rip off fish n chips. 1 extra hour.
one great long weekend.
on Christ
yes. i still barrack for Jesus.
peace. let it start somewhere. you would be a good start.